From Leadoo Ah, yes. The good old contact form. They’ve been around for decades, coming in all different shapes & sizes. Unfortunately, for many websites, the journey set out for site traffic to convert to a tangible lead is often long and ugly. And contact forms...
This is a guest post provided by Peek & Poke Keen to learn more about the what, where, when, and why of using branded games in your marketing strategy? You’ve come to the right place! 1. Establish connections For many brands (and marketing teams), the aim is to...
This is a guest post from Andrew Addison: CEO & Founder, Purple Square CXI’m always interested when one specific area of our world gains traction, at the moment that seems to be measurement and attribution. Over the last few weeks and months, I seem to have been...
This is a guest post provided by WebBox DigitalIn this digital era, the advent of AI has revolutionised various aspects of our lives, including marketing. One of the areas where AI has made significant strides is in running PPC campaigns. AI-powered tools and...
Written by guest contributor Richard Michie, CEO, The Marketing Optimist In very basic terms, Threads is a Twitter copy only so far it’s better. Meta have built Threads for short form text-based content, with the option to add images, links, and tag other accounts....
Search engine optimisation is one of the only online marketing channels that continues to offer advantages for websites. Through incorporating different elements such as key words and hyperlinks, you can continue to grow your website traffic. SEO aims to increase...