Should your brand start a podcast?

When it comes to marketing, audio has always taken a back seat in comparison to its siblings: vibrant visuals and the written word. The growing popularity of podcasts may be on course to change that though, as weekly listeners doubled between 2013-18, with around six...

Why audio is the new black

The sound of a baby crying. We all know it. We remember it so fondly on aeroplanes, in shopping queues, peaceful moments in the park. That piercing, stress-inducing skewer of noise. But why can’t we just ignore it? This by Jenny Stanley, MD and Founder, Appetite...

“Follow” is the new “Like”

In an effort to encourage users to create better content, as well as minimize the power of influencers and the bogus spam “Likes” they purchase to inflate their value to brands… …Instagram and other sites are pursuing the removal of the number of “Likes”...