by steve jones | Sep 1, 2020 | Brand, Digital, Martech
Best restaurant reservation apps for iOS and android As part of the Eat Out to Help Out scheme diners across the UK were able to claim 50% off food and drinks at some restaurants during August But how could you secure your last minute booking? Researchers at Uswitch...
by steve jones | Aug 4, 2020 | Brand, Digital
What are people searching for in lockdown? There’s a lot going on right now. As digital marketing nerds at Clear, we were wondering if we could get a better understanding of what’s going on using data… We turned to Google Trends, a free tool that shows you the...
by steve jones | Aug 4, 2020 | Brand, Offline
Five of the world’s most shocking PR blunders From failed Kardashian trademarks to badly-planned Government photo ops, the world certainly isn’t short of daring, dramatic and damaging PR blunders This from PR and social media specialists Harvey & Hugo… Some...
by steve jones | Aug 4, 2020 | Brand, Offline, Strategy
How PR can get your phones ringing and drive sales As businesses begin to emerge in the new post Covid-19 world over the next few weeks and months, many of them will look different to how they did just a short time ago But according to agency Lime – specialists...
by steve jones | Aug 4, 2020 | Brand, Digital, Martech, Strategy
It’s all about babies, Covid-19 and Gen Z The last few months have been Groundhog Lockdown Day for so many people The Lucid team has been lucky enough to avoid that Bill Murray feeling as we have extremely supportive clients who have kept us very busy and our...
by steve jones | Jun 30, 2020 | Brand, Digital, Future Trends, Martech
Lockdown leads to a 95% sales increase in social commerce as a fifth of Brits become social shoppers During lockdown, Britain’s consumers have flocked to Facebook, Instagram and Google Shopping for their spending sprees The home delivery expert ParcelHero predicts a...