The Hub

All media takeaways for you to keep. The latest podcasts, video links and blogs from our marketingSHOWCASE Events

What’s on the pod?

Our Podcast recorded live at each of our events. The Studio takes inspiration from your peers in marketing.

Whether it’s the impact of AI on marketing or top tips for managing your companies social media efforts, we hope that from hearing how other marketers are navigating the current landscape, you’ll find inspiration to help fuel your upcoming projects and campaigns.

The Studio at marketingSHOWCASE

When you visit one of our events, you’ll notice our pop-up studio positioned at it’s centre. Our studio welcomes guests throughout the day to discuss the BIG things in marketing.

We’ve partnered with Sound Media who help power our podcast. If you would like more information on how you can make podcasts work for your business check out Sound Media.

Watch again…


Our YouTube channel captures the latest thoughts, often recorded live at our events.

Hear from marketing experts, who have taken to the stage to share the latest in the marketing industry.

Hot off the press…

Our weekly blog, brings together stories from the experts. Hear more about subjects from our events PLUS the latest tips, tricks and guides to stay ahead of the curve.

Advanced Strategies for Building a Marketing Forecast

Advanced Strategies for Building a Marketing Forecast

Written by Canny Creative - a regular exhibitor at our marketingSHOWCASE events Building a marketing forecast allows you to make informed and educated decisions about the effectiveness of future strategies within a specific target market. By conducting marketing...

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Are you always bang on brand? How to create consistent content

Are you always bang on brand? How to create consistent content

Written by OTB Agency - a regular exhibitor at marketingSHOWCASE events When it comes to branding, there’s one thing the team here are all obsessed about – and that’s consistency. Whether you’re creating a brand from scratch, re-branding or looking after an...

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There’s plenty more where that came from…

Join us at one of our many locations throughout the year…

Attended by thousands of marketers each year our events are designed to keep marketers ahead of the curve.

Expert speakers, new products and solutions and a room full of likeminded marketers – What’s not to like?


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