Breaking the norm in the global chocolate industry

The sweeter side of chocolate 

Chocolate. Probably one of the most popular items for any given event. Birthday? Chocolate cake is first on the list. Christmas? Chocolates – and if you’re lucky – a chocolate advent calendar. Valentines? Red-wrapped chocolates with a single red rose. Easter? Well, that doesn’t need explaining. 

One of the biggest consumer markets in the world, it’s no wonder that brands will spend a ton on their advertising. And they don’t hold back. They don’t need to conform to a certain strategy, they get to experiment – the world is their oyster – and they don’t have to please anyone in particular. They just have to PLEASE. 

And the biggest thing they have to do? Make their campaigns memorable. Like a good jingle, an ad that stands out in your head is going to surreptitiously engage with your brain (and taste buds!) and force you to go out and buy a bar. Or two. 

Can’t seem to think of many famous chocolate ads? Well look at these, my friend. We bet  you say “Oh yes I forgot about that one!” to ALL of them…

Top memorable chocolate ad campaigns

Cadbury: You won’t ever look at a Gorilla the same way again. And anyone over the age of 30 will say to someone dressed all in black: “Are you the Milk Tray Man?” Bath, lizard, flake. There are SO many famous Cadbury ads – we could be here all day.

Yorkie: Who can forget the Trucker? And a bit controversial in recent times, NOT FOR GIRLS was very daring, and worked. It was angled that chocolate was mainly bought by girls, and that men/boys were allowed to indulge too. 

Ferrero Rocher: “Monsieur, with this Ferrero Rocher you are really spoiling us!” The Ambassador ad stuck in our heads, and started us spouting this line with a really bad European (was it French?) accent. They were gold, they looked posh – and apparently were actually a special treat for those in Italy…

Mars Miky Way: “The red car and the blue car had a race, all red wanted to do was stuff his face.” Showing that jingles always work, this cartoon-based ad was aimed at children and we can all remember the words years later.

Lindt: “Do they actually wear those hats to make chocolate?” Do you dream in chocolate from Lindt is mouth-wateringly good. We were sure those chef whites wouldn’t be so white when making chocolate, but we didn’t care. The inside of those balls were so smooth!

Chocolate is a memorable – and money making – market. One of our exhibitors, Tony’s Chocolonely, has only been in the UK for 5 years but has already made a serious impact on the industry. What’s their mission? Working to eradicate slavery and exploitation in the chocolate supply chain. We are looking forward to hearing their journey so far from Hywel Jones.

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