Thinking about a business podcast?

Reasons why you should start one now…

PodNews states that:

‘61% of British people listen to podcasts every month’

That’s over half of the population!

But what are they listening to?

The most obvious (and most listened to) is entertainment; but after humour and comedy related podcasts, the British population has diverse interests; with 30%  listening to true crime, and the same amount (30%) listening to sports. Chat/conversational and easy listening is liked by over 25%, and news themed podcasts by 22%.

Fans of business podcasts are sitting at nearly 20% (as of July 2024) and its popularity is growing. Businesses are starting to latch on to the podcast culture and seeing positive benefits. 

But why are podcasts great for business?

For a start, they’re great for Brand Awareness.

In the past, businesses had to rely on traditional ways to market their business and gain brand recognition; we now have many digital solutions that allow us to target our specific audience – digital display, advertising, content blogs and podcasts. Like blogs, podcasts give you a targeted audience that wants to learn from you. This allows you to freely communicate your industry knowledge and expertise. This builds your credibility as you share industry insights, tips and work-related experiences, giving you brand awareness and making your company an authority.

They’re convenient for listeners

Podcasts can be listened to anywhere, at any time – and in a private setting (just the listener and some earphones makes a private listening session) which makes them ideal for busy people looking for an easy way to gain inspiration or information. Podcast listeners don’t even have to have a good connection; they can manage their time efficiently by downloading episodes previously and replaying when doing other activities – while driving, working, or at the gym. This makes them an attractive and quicker way to consume information, with the added bonus of replay if they miss an interesting point! 

A podcast is a content power plant

Recording content of any kind is rich for repurposing. Podcasts – and any kind of broadcasting – are unique in that they capture a mix of thoughts, opinions and insights, with no strict scripts and no edits. And what can be taken from them are a multitude of snippets that can be repurposed for other things; blog posts, web page content and many different social media posts. Once you start repurposing, you realise just how much content you have.

If content is king; then podcasts are gold.

Coming soon: The Hub; home to all media takeaways for you to keep. The latest podcasts, video links and blogs from our marketingSHOWCASE events.

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