It’s all about babies, Covid-19 and Gen Z
The last few months have been Groundhog Lockdown Day for so many people
The Lucid team has been lucky enough to avoid that Bill Murray feeling as we have extremely supportive clients who have kept us very busy and our workdays have been varied. We have been beavering away from bedrooms and kitchen tables (plus one shed) on many projects, including one animation, two logos, four websites and more.
A few examples for your perusal below:

London’s best private maternity?
The Kensington Wing is Chelsea & Westminster Hospital’s private maternity clinic. All of the unit’s profits are ploughed back into the hospital’s budgets.
Lucid created the branding for the clinic and built its very first website three years ago. The client loved our work so much they came back and tasked us with the redesign and rebuild of the website in February this year in order to bring it bang up to date.
We turned the project round in six weeks –
The website is the key driver of customers into what is arguably London’s best private maternity clinic.

Interviews on the battle with Covid-19
Conversations in Healthcare is a very insightful new video interview series we have been working on for healthcare consultancy DRG. Lucid is handling the production and editing of the interviews based on Zoom recordings.
Leading figures in the pharma industry have been interviewed by Mike Ward, DRG’s Global Head of Thought Leadership, revealing key details on the tireless work the industry is undertaking to foil the C19 pandemic. See the latest interviews and other resources here:
Fascinating stuff.

Gen Z in the office – ‘Stressed And Underdressed’
Communications agency Ready 10 briefed us to create a series of infographics for their client Milkround, the UK’s leading graduate job board. Milkround commissioned a research piece on Generation Z and their attitudes to clothing in the workplace.
Lucid has visualised the key results –
One stat that stands out – 70% of this generation admitted to wearing clothes and then returning them for a refund!